Start Your Online Business From Scratch: 3 Major Keys You Must Follow

Don't Press Go Until You Nail #1

Business in Bed - Laptop - Pexels - 3 Major Keys You Must Follow

If you’re looking to start your own online business but aren’t sure how, you’re not alone. We were so excited about pursuing a life-long career as sisters and female creative entrepreneurs but had very little direction. It took about 3 years of fails, and critical mistakes before we were able to get it right. We were honestly this close (*pinches fingers together) to quitting until we finally got it. The “it” is a three part formula that helped us to get started, and moving in the right direction. So, now we’re going to pass it onto you so you can get started.

Let’s go!

Who is it For?

1.The most important step is to get super clear on who your target audience is and what niche market you’ll be going into. Without knowing this, you’ll find yourself struggling in all other aspects of your business. To figure this out, ask yourself these questions:

Who do you want to help? i.e. (Male or female? Age? Marital status?)

What market is it that you want to serve in? i.e. (Weight loss, Photography, Fashion).

What Hurts?

2.What problems or pain points do they have that you will help to solve? This is important because being able to resolve these issues will allow your target audience to see you as someone they trust with their issues. People love to know that they are being heard. People love to feel that there is a product or program created with their issue in mind. The more you can connect with your audience on a level of understanding, the more possible it will be for you to create a loyal, growing “tribe”.

What’s The Service?

3. How do you deliver the service that you will provide this solution? Depending on the service that you’ll be providing, you will need to decide how you want to package it. Will it be in the form of a digital or physical product? Will it be a video, an e-course or e-book or will you provide a one-on-one training with them? The more detailed information you can give depends on how they will respond to your brand. When you understand and know your target audience you will be able to answer these questions with ease.

Wrap Up

To wrap it up, choosing to start your own online business takes courage. Understanding the three major components of starting your online business are vital. It’s only natural to be excited to just start, but you’re taking the time to learn and avoid making mistakes that could create confusion in your business. That’s a boss move and we’re happy to help steer you in the right direction. If you’re looking to go deeper into planning your niche market and target audience, we’ve got your back. We’ve created a free printable just for you to use as many times as you need it. Click the link and get busy! The more you know your audience, the more successful your business will be. Get it girl!